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3) TA 661
EMAIL //// ph 603.435.7199 EST //// BUY ONLINE (two different online stores) /// RETURN TO MARINE CATALOG HOMEPAGE **Short Nap Rollers (stnd 9 inch and 3 inch): As the coatings get thicker, the nap gets shorter. Regular rollers have 3/8 inch nap and sometimes lose their nap with sticky coatings. We sell 3/16 or 1/4 nap rollers designed for glues and sticky epoxies. Use these rollers to apply all but the very thin epoxies. See special notes on roller application (smooth surfaces) - CLICK HERE
Short nap rollers are not needed for the thin water based epoxy or our watery Low V epoxy but all other epoxies are thick and sticky - they tend to pull the nap out of most of the 'regular' rollers. There rollers have short nap (as the epoxy gets thicker the nap gets shorter). Regular rollers can sometimes give you a 'fuzzy' floor.
We also sell special rollers for epoxy resealing of pebble decks. These 9 inch rollers have a thick foam outside (3/4 inch) with lots of vertical slits (like one of those fancy holiday hams) which hold more epoxy and put down a more even layer of epoxy.
We like the 3 inch size rollers too because it is 1/3 the size of regular 9 inch rollers, the can be used in smaller spaces than the 4 inch rollers, and are useful without needing a roller pan. A favorite trick is to put vasoline (tm) on the key spots of the roller cage so that you can remove the roller pad from the cage before the epoxy/paint sets up. Often used to spread epoxy on surfaces during boat building.
Common applications:
EMAIL //// ph 603.435.7199 EST //// BUY ONLINE
$8 - each 1 nine inch roller short nap or thick foam (for pebble decks)
$15 - six 3 inch rollers (the 3 inch rollers may shed some 'lint' initially if used with thick epoxies) Tough phenolic core
$10 - two roller cages for the 3 inch rollers
EMAIL //// ph 603.435.7199 EST //// BUY ONLINE (two different online stores) /// RETURN TO MARINE CATALOG HOMEPAGE **Tongue Depressors -- This product is featured on the website
Box of 500 'senior' tongue depressors, each about 6 inches long by 5/8 inch wide. We use them all the time to mix small batches of epoxy, to scoop out epoxy, scrape off epoxy from our tools, and for eating peanut butter straight out of the jar (and then sharing it with the dogs). In short, we find them extremely useful around the shop and suspect you will too.
EMAIL //// ph 603.435.7199 EST //// BUY ONLINE
500 tongue depressors - $16
) TA 661**
EMAIL //// ph 603.435.7199 EST //// BUY ONLINE (two different online stores) /// RETURN TO MARINE CATALOG HOMEPAGE **
A solvent free alternative to lacquer thinner or MEK for cleaning uncured epoxy off hands and tools. Soak your
epoxy covered brushes, etc. in TA 661 overnight and they will be ready to reuse in the morning. Non evaporating
(no need to cover your 'soaking pot'), reuse over and over. Works on uncured epoxy, but have had some reports of
it success with 'just recently hard' epoxy too.
Also use as a flexibilizer in other epoxies - will also blister dried enamel and varnish overnight.
I also use it as the final step in cleaning brushes (enamels, latex, polyurethane, even epoxy). No matter how much a solvent (or water) rinse my paintbrushes after use, when I get back to them they are hard and stiff. Now I dip or soak the 'so-called' clean brush in the TA then shake or spin the TA out of the brush. The result is a non-stiff, non-sticky, non-oily brush ready for use on my next project.
It gets even better! I finally found a way to reuse brushes full of epoxy resin (instead of tossing the brush after every epoxy 'encounter'). When you are done with the epoxy - squeeze out as much of the epoxy from the brush as you can. Then rinse brush once or twice with solvent. Now put the brush into a jar of TA 661. The TA will not evaporate so you don't need a lid on the jar. When you return at a later time pull out the brush - squeeze/spin the TA 661 out of the brush. You now have a clean soft brush ready for the next batch of epoxy! You can also put the brush in the freezer - it slows the epoxy reaction down enough that the brush is still usable the next day.
It also works with brushes you've cleaned after using them with latex or enamel. These 'clean' brushes tend (at least for me) to get stiff when they fully dry. A dip and spin in the TA keeps them 'like new' flexible.
This product reviewed in Professional BoatBuilder Magazine
Dec/Jan 2004
EMAIL //// ph 603.435.7199 EST //// BUY ONLINE
1 gallon - $78
1 quart - $35
EMAIL //// ph 603.435.7199 EST //// BUY ONLINE (two different online stores) /// RETURN TO MARINE CATALOG HOMEPAGE **Brushes -- 1 inch foam
These are those black foam brushes sold at craft stores etc. They don't last long, but very useful for a quick touch up, etc. and priced right. Please limit your order to 96 brushes (4 units) as we are not in the 'brush business" and don't have 'millions' of these in stock. Please limit your orders to 48 brushes or less. We are not a brush company and keep limited amounts in stock.
24 brushes - $15
Brushes -- 2 inch polyester bristle
Medium quality 2 inch wide polyester paint brushes. These are considered double thick (5/8 inch - cheap brushes are 5/16 thick) with longer than usual bristle length (2 1/2 inch vs 1 5/8 inch on the cheap brushes). I did some painting with a new brush and only three bristles come out. On a 1 - 5 scale I would rate these as 3.5 - 3.75. Cheap enough to toss if you're working with epoxies, nice enough to reuse if you're doing latex, varnish, or enamel. Please limit your orders to 12 brushes or less. We are not a brush company and keep limited amounts in stock. Neat Trick: when working with epoxy clean the worst of the epoxy out of the brush then store brush in the freezer. You will be able to reuse the brush for about the next 36 hours.
6 brushes - $16
Brushes -- "stab brushes" - 3 inch wide with 3/4 inch long bristles
Often when working with most epoxies you are more often pushing and stabbing the epoxy into cracks, low spots, etc, rather than actually brushing the epoxy. These brushes look like someone came and cut most of the bristles off the brush, leaving behind only 3/4 inch. Please limit your orders to 12 brushes or less. We are not a brush company and keep limited amounts in stock.
6 brushes - $16
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short bristle stab brushes 6 for $16
two inch wide poly brushes 6 for $16
one inch foam brushes 24 of $15
EMAIL //// ph 603.435.7199 EST //// BUY ONLINE (two different online stores) /// RETURN TO MARINE CATALOG HOMEPAGE **Now you can color your clear epoxy. Tint the epoxy so you can better see your application, or color it completely for a pigmented epoxy paint. I found it also makes a good stain by itself if mixed with solvent - about 8-12 parts of solvent to 1 part of pigment (yep, makes lots of 'stain'). Colors: black; tile red; chocolate brown; white. A bit of the brown and even less of the tile red - make a great 'dark wood' color. One quart will completely pigment 3 gallons of epoxy - except for the white which will only pigment about 1.5 gallons. To just tint your epoxy, you would probably be using just teaspoons of the pigment. I have also tried it in Varnish - very pleased with the results! Sometimes we also have some 'safety yellow' in stock - email for info.
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1 quart in "squeeze bag" $31
EMAIL //// ph 603.435.7199 EST //// BUY ONLINE (two different online stores) /// RETURN TO MARINE CATALOG HOMEPAGE **Fast food style pumps for our 1 gal plastic jugs (the 1.5 gal kits of Basic No Blush and Low V epoxy only). They only put out about 1 oz per stroke and you need to check them for accurate flow often.
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2 pumps $15
EMAIL //// ph 603.435.7199 EST //// BUY ONLINE (two different online stores) /// RETURN TO MARINE CATALOG HOMEPAGE **Keep this handy plastic gauge in our tool/paint box to measure (in microns or mils) the thickness of your newly applied (still wet) coatings. Useful to compute coverage rates as well as film thickness.
Generally added as an "extra" on a regular epoxy order.
This product has its own (how to use) web page - CLICK HERE.
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EMAIL //// ph 603.435.7199 EST //// BUY ONLINE (two different online stores) /// RETURN TO MARINE CATALOG HOMEPAGE **The trouble with modern clear coatings, like our two part Acrylic Poly UV plus LPU, or
even single pack polys from the hardware store is that they look like plastic wrap on a surface. Traditional spar
varnish (we sell India Spar Varnish) on the other hand the has a ‘warm' and natural amber tint. Unfortunately it
can take a handful of coats of varnish to begin to really notice that ‘warm' tint.
"Warm Tone Dye Solution" can be added to any epoxy or solvent based clear coat to give it that warm,
amber/yellow glow. Epoxies, including marine epoxies (like our Basic No Blush) need to be top coated with paint
or varnish for UV protection. With this new product you can give your epoxy a varnish tint even before you apply
the varnish. Alternately, you could ‘darken' our India Spar Varnish (in the Non Epoxy/Urethane catalog section)
so that it looks like 8 coats of varnish tinting with only one, two or three coats of varnish. Of course, you can
also make your one or two part poly have that ‘warm' varnish feel too.
You have to experiment a bit on how much to add to your clear product, but a starting rule of thumb is about 1
oz of product per quart of clear finish.
EMAIL //// ph 603.435.7199 EST //// BUY ONLINE
4 oz bottle $15.95
Gag Epoxy Spill Cup:
Yes, we do have a sense of humor.
$9.00 order by
phone only! colors: red or blue
Your are currently in Section 8
Section One MARINE - CLEAR EPOXIES sometimes called 'goo' ***********
Section Three THICKENED EPOXIES - EPOXY PUTTIES - sometimes called 'goo', ETC. ***********
Section Four EPOXY PAINTS (barrier coats) ***********
Section Six NON-SKID DECK COATINGS ***********
Section Seven MARINE REPAIR (fiberglass cloth etc) PRODUCTS ***********
Section Eight MISC. MARINE PRODUCTS ***********
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