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WHO ARE WE? Watch our short 2-minute Progressive Epoxy Polymers video |
When you need something better than REGULAR EPOXY - consider our Nonyl free epoxies
When you need something better than REGULAR EPOXY - consider our Cyclo-aliphatic epoxies
When you need something better than REGULAR EPOXY - consider our Epoxy Adduct epoxies
BIO CLEAR 810 or BASIC NO BLUSH - BARTOP -- special No Blush version for penny floors - bar tops
MPRICES - 2 part marine epoxy pricing issues - CLICK HERE -
MEPOXIES - comparing 2 part clear marine epoxies - CLICK HERE -
EVAL4U - how to evaluate your marine/non marine epoxy vendor - CLICK HERE -
Questions? / Phone order? / EMAIL / CALL 603-435-7199 EST / BUY ONLINE
1) MARINE EPOXY RESINS (basic no blush with multiple curing agents, premium no blush epoxy, epoxy sealers and primers) - find in catalog or call
2) OSMOTIC BLISTER REPAIR ( special web page - click here)
3) BARRIER COAT EPOXIES ( special web page - click here)
4) POTABLE WATER EPOXIES ( special web page - click here)
5) TWO PART POLY CLEAR COAT AND WHITE HULL PAINT - find in catalog or call
6) THICKENED EPOXIES - find in catalog or call
9) COPPER - EPOXY ANTI FOULING ( special web page - click here)
10) PONTOON BOAT REPAIRS ( special web page - click here)
11) ANTI RUST, MOISTURE CURED URETHANE METALLIC PAINT (Aluthane) - ( special web page - click here)
12) MARINE SPAR VARNISH (India Spar Varnish - not for sale in Calif) ( special info web page - click here)
13) STITCH AND GLUE BOAT BUILDING - basics, tips and tricks ( special info web page - click here)
14) NON MARINE EPOXY APPLICATIONS AND REPAIRS - (go to our non-marine epoxy online catalog - click here)
Proceed to the Table of Contents Page/Index Page
of our Marine Catalog.
(separated by multi - red lines)
1 Customer Comments / Feedback
"Boats, boats and more boats.... After 17 years there is still no reason to buy from anyone else, great product, and great prices and the boats are still looking good." J.F.- 2-2-17
Your web site is delight to scroll through, confusing and funny at the same time, with a lot of info you wouldn't find at any "serious big corporate" web sites. Keep up the good work and good luck..."
Salvaged 45' sailboat. Purchased all my epoxy from you. I've been in the water two years and time to redo the bottom. Very happy with all the advise and delighted with how good the bottom held up. Started with 155, epoxy cream, `155 and three coats of Cm15 for barrier coat." MASON 11/16
"I just wanted to let you know that a couple of months ago I purchased 1.5 gallons of epoxy from you for injection
into a port stringer on a waterski boat I recently purchased. I have owned quite a number of boats power and sail requiring repairs to bring them back to where they should be. Your product was excellent in every respect. I thinned it myself to the specifications I felt the repair required and it turned out superb in every regard. I will be using your product in the future for blister repairs to a large sailboat I own and just wanted to thank you for providing an excellent product with value to the consumer." Best Regards, Steve(email 12/16/13 to Progressive Epoxy Polymers, Inc. -- -- attn: Paul Oman)
OK...thanks for the personal touch. And for such an informative website. The navigation took me a while to grasp, but I really appreciate all the credible, helpful information you provide. This is my 3rd or 4th order over the years and I give you a A or A+ grade on all of it.I'm a nit-picking former Polaris nuclear missile targeting and firing guy so you don't get a good grade from me unless you are on target!" -- Dave 7/14
"Hi Paul, ---Thank you so much for all the info. Each time I spoke with you, I found you to be a very helpful, personable individual. You seemed genuinely interested in helping me get the right products and making sure that I know exactly the best way to apply it for optimum results. Sadly, in today’s business world, those are not common traits. It definitely was a pleasure to do business with you ( as cliche as that saying is.) I definitely will recommend to anyone who needs your products. Best wishes for continued success. Sincerely, Julie" (6/2019)
"Paul Oman (owner of Progressive Epoxy - 603 435 7199) is a very knowledgeable man , and freely shares his knowledge. His products are high quality and as represented. And he answers his phone." Ralph
"You provide outstanding products, and Fantastic Support. Thank You." Brian S.
"Thanks for all your advice, tips & moral support concerning my project. It turned out beautiful. Quality people backing a quality product is the only way to go!" Joe
Dec 2008 from Doug: "The following is my opinion of a good company. My affiliation is as a DIY end user. No recompense, no funny business: I've been refurbishing our 1973 ketch and have done some epoxy work in that process. I've never worked with epoxy before this. I talked to several local glass workers and researched on line to learn a bit about epoxy. I searched for different vendors and their prices. I settled on a place in New Hampshire called Progressive Epoxy Polymers. (
My first thought was, what a mess of a website. I found it very confusing. Since I first came upon it, there have been improvements made to make it more "user friendly". Aside from that, the site is most informative to this beginning DIY'r. I was won over by the explanations, descriptions of chemistries, MSDS's , suggested usages, and personal responsiveness of the owner and his wife. I did a calculation of prices per ounce, approximating the match of the different brand's products. I realize that there is no way I can say I'm comparing the same chemistry of different brands. Nevertheless, Progressive Epoxy prices remain the best I have found.
I've used the Premium No Blush (~15 gallons), Low-V (~2 gal), a putty with kevlar, and some elastomeric stuff. In addition I've used the fumed silica, micro balloons, ez-thick, chopped glass & milled glass.
Progressive Epoxy Polymers is my epoxy source, I recommend them."
"(5/2019) Paul;
Attached is a picture of two of the 14 frames I have made for the windows and door of my tugboat (Candu-EZ 14'3" model) named Electra. I wanted to share with you my excitement regarding the use of Progressive Polymers No Blush Epoxy as a sanding sealer/stain. Here is my process in the event that you would want to share it with others.
Substrate is african mahogany.
Final sand with 220 grit sandpaper to smooth finish, wipe with alcohol dampened cloth or paper towel and remove dust with tack rag.
Mix No Blush Epoxy according to weight ratio of 1 part resin to 0.42 part standard hardner (I don't recommend the fast hardener for reasons that will appear later).
Add alcohol based stain (Behlen Solar LuxTM NGR Medium-Brown Mahogany Stain) 25% W/W and mix well.
Apply with inexpensive chip brush and brush out well. Caution: be sure that the finish is brushed out well to avoid runs and "edge lips", which are hard to remove without removing more wood due to the epoxy base.
Sand lightly with 220 grit and reapply as necessary, (i.e., missed spots or areas in which the sandpaper may have removed too much color).
The next step will be the application of Varnish to the tune of about 7 coats"Thinning the "No Blush" with alcohol based stain works well in this case. Initially, I used both 91% Isopropyl alcohol along with the stain as a thinner, but I found the Isopropyl alcohol to be unnecessary for the depth of color that I desired.
I used some wood filler to deal with some imperfections in my wood routing techniques. While the stain/epoxy mixture did color them, it did not do so at the same intensity as the wood itself. In retrospect, i believe the better solution would be to leave the imperfections alone (smooth them of course) and fill them with stain filler stix that Behlen also has in corresponding colors.
Using an alcohol based stain as a thinner for the epoxy appears to have some impact on the thinning duration (i.e. the mixture thickens over time). This appears to be a function of the relatively rapid evaporation of the alcohol which has the effect of an increase in viscosity over a a period of 15 minutes or so. As a result, the color impact of the mixture becomes somewhat more intense. Therefore, I recommend keeping the batch size small, probably no more than 3 oz (liquid measure) total volume at a time. In this way, the color consistency was very good and given the spreadability of the mixture, coverage was adequate to prevent slowing down the staining/sealing process of a number of the frames pictured at one time.
Again, thank you for your support and your knowledge AND for a great product." - BOB 5/19
Hello Paul Oman/Progressive Epoxy Polymers ( 603/435-7199);
Thanks for your advice and products. I stripped the hull with a 'green' paint stripper, sanded it with 120 grit, chipped old Bondo that had been used to fair the keel, re-faired the keel with your Wet Dry 700 epoxy kevlar (tm) putty, and then applied 2 coats of your ESP 155 epoxy primer, 2 coats of your CM 15 epoxy paint and 2 coats of Micron CSC with 1/2 ob of your copper powder per gallon of CSC. I also chased out the gelcoat cracks and filled with Wet Dry 700 epoxy putty. The hull came out beautifully.
I like working with your products. They are predictable and seem to hold to spec well. Your advice - even when I was half way through the job and made my 'lack of confidence call' (confidence in me) to you on a Saturday night was met with a quick call-back and clear map for success. I really don't know of any other supplier I would receive that from...
Kind regards -- Randall -- Mirage 35 (July 2015)
Attached is a zip file with photos, plan view, vessel description, and some shots of the previous builds of the same boat. I am using your Basic No-Blush marine epoxy as my sole epoxy coating & glue solution throughout this entire project and I just love your product! Having used all the major brands on the market today I find your epoxy to be the easiest, most consistent, and most forgiving marine epoxy product of them all.
This boat is being built in an unheated, semi-weather tight workshop, on an island on Lake Winnipesaukee (central New Hampshire) and consequently I'm more often working in temperatures outside of what is optimal for most epoxies. I've had success with your epoxy (with the Regular curing agent) setting up in temps in the low 50's and also behaving kindly with temps in the upper 80s to 90+. While pot life varies considerably in such a wide range your product is very consistent, predictable, and telling when it's time to 'wrap it up', which is definitely not so much the case with some of your competitors.
In addition, your pricing is very attractive and while price is not the primary reason why I use your product I definitely appreciate the value you offer, so thank you.
Jeff - 2014 - Offshore Skiff boat builder
Dear Paul,
When something's good should tell someone...right!!! Not only
complaining. Well I'm impressed, I ordered 1pound of one of your products late
may 27th........and got it today may 30th!!!!!!!First I didn't believe I could get this
small amount and 2nd not in this time frame!!! Its sometimes hard to get a small
amounts for 'testing'....200 or 500 pounds well no problem.
In the last 40 years I have not done business with a company like yours......there
is only one word ....... JOB WELL DONE. You really know the needs of your
It was a pleasure doing business with your company, I already put your name to
my "Favorites" on my computer.
Thanks again, have a great day.
Dec 2008 from Doug: "The following is my opinion of a good company. My affiliation is as a DIY end user. No recompense, no funny business: I've been refurbishing our 1973 ketch and have done some epoxy work in that process. I've never worked with epoxy before this. I talked to several local glass workers and researched on line to learn a bit about epoxy. I searched for different vendors and their prices. I settled on a place in New Hampshire called Progressive Epoxy Polymers. (
My first thought was, what a mess of a website. I found it very confusing. Since I first came upon it, there have been improvements made to make it more "user friendly". Aside from that, the site is most informative to this beginning DIY'r. I was won over by the explanations, descriptions of chemistries, MSD's , suggested usages, and personal responsiveness of the owner and his wife. I did a calculation of prices per ounce, approximating the match of the different brand's products. I realize that there is no way I can say I'm comparing the same chemistry of different brands. Nevertheless, Progressive Epoxy prices remain the best I have found.
I've used the Premium No Blush (~15 gallons), Low-V (~2 gal), a putty with kevlar, and some elastomeric stuff. In addition I've used the fumed silica, micro balloons, ez-thick, chopped glass & milled glass.
Progressive Epoxy Polymers is my epoxy source, I recommend them."
You've just made a new fan, Paul. My husband, Jerry, is hard to
impress. We read your "Everyone's Guide to Instant Epoxy Expertise"
while driving home from the boat the other day. He was impressed with
the depth of information (you went where some fear to tread) and the
evenhandedness with which you delivered it. We just got something
else in the mail from you, and he stole it away out of the mail pile
to read at his leisure.
The September issue went out the door yesterday. You're in there.
Welcome aboard!
Karen Larson
Editor, Good Old Boat Magazine,
"Thanks, Paul. You know what your downfall is??? You have such great customer
service nobody wants to use another company!!" -- Glenn
"Paul, you have outstanding products. Every product has out performed the highly advertised units I purchased elsewhere for past projects. Thank you." (Dick - email 11/10/13)
Applications / User Examples
Custom Drift Boats
Check them out at:
Croff Craft - just one of our commercial boat builders that use our
Basic No Blush marine epoxy and India Spar Varnish
moisture cured urethane
Learn More - The Aluthane Page
Before Pictures
After Pictures
below: Paul's stitch and glue marine epoxy project
Why Basic No Blush epoxy is the BEST in its class:
1. A formulated blended resin system (not repackaged raw chemicals)
2) Uses NON BLUSHING curing agent for blush free results
3) not too thick, not too thin, not too brittle
4) the only marine epoxy with bubble breakers for superior flaw free finishes
5) the only epoxy adduct marine epoxy for superior properties
6) strong user support / feedback
7) 24/7 support email
NO SALES TAX - You are shopping in TAX FREE
New Hampshire - New England's "Granite State"
Search EPOXY ONLY GOOGLE for all of these products - CLICK
One of our marine epoxy competitors (now a mere impersonal, product line sub-division within a big industrial corporation) claims a 30% savings in time using non blushing marine epoxies. Non blushing marine epoxies do not require washing or sanding between epoxy coats or top coating with other paints. Note that we offer Basic No Blush marine epoxy with fast, slow and regular curing agents (and it also includes bubble breakers for a more perfect finish). Our Premium No Bush epoxy is Nonyl free and uses an special curing agent is can be air shipped (shipped without restrictions).
WINTER BOATING: Don't let winter stop you boat repairs/building. Basic No Blush marine epoxy with fast winter cure works down to about 38 degrees. Aluthane mcu aluminum paint can be applied down to about 40 degrees.
Basic No Blush marine epoxy has a long list of private and professional boat builders. Most recently (2016 -2017) The Drummond Island Tall Ship Company built the 72 foot schooner Huron Jewel using Basic No Blush epoxy. (CLICK HERE) Over 160 gallons of epoxy were used - switching from the standard curing agent to the winter and summer curing agents as the seasons changed. Other professional builders include a Drift Boat company, a boat building school, and it was used to construct one of the boats in a 'row across the Atlantic' competition several years ago. Read about the professional restoration of a Thistle Class sailboat with our epoxies. Some of our other epoxies can be applied underwater have been used to rebuild a 100 year old wooden marine railway in 12 feet of water and repair and raise a sunken yacht at a Pacific Island Atoll.
Read all about it in the book "Escape From Hermit Island" available at
From Stitch and Glue kayaks to 72 ft schooners to emergency underwater repairs - you can trust the epoxies from Progressive Epoxy Polymers, Inc. - a Better Business Bureau supporter/member. - Company VIDEO - 603-435-7199
Basic No Blush Epoxy VS
Premium No Blush Epoxy BASIC NO BLUSH™ - our most popular all purpose marine epoxy resin - great value and price! PREMIUM NO BLUSH™ - non-hazmat for quick AIR shipping and shipping outside the USA - cycloaliphatic curing system Worth considering if you want the Very Best non blushing very clear
easy mix ratio (1 : 2)
blendable hardeners --- slow summer, regular and fast winter curing agents
nice medium viscosity
no VOCs (solvent free)
no formaldehyde in the formulation
formulated product - not simply repackaged raw resins from the big chemical companies
best prices!
non blushing
easy mix ratio (1.5 : 2)
cycloaliphatic curing system
nice medium viscosity
no VOCs (solvent free)
no formaldehyde in the formulation found in some of the popular epoxies
no nonyl phenol in the formulation (98% of epoxies contain Nonyl Phenol) no-nonyl means healthier and no reaction with enamel paint
formulated product - not simply repackaged raw resins from the big chemical companies
non hazmat to ship!
Amber colored curing agent helps bring out the color of natural wood finishes
We do have regular customers that exclusively like and use the Premium No Blush over the Basic No Blush. The amber non hazmat curing agent (the Basic No Blush has a clear curing agent) provides a bit of warm color and maybe hides some of the UV Yellowing. I've hard reports that it is a slightly softer finish too (soft means more impact resistance). A very Premium marine epoxy at a price of about that the other guy's charge for their 'regular' epoxy.
Wet Dry 700 Epoxy
Ultimate Repair Epoxy Paste
Above and below the Waterline
Like Nothing You Have Ever Worked With Before!
Need to fix, glue, patch, fill, bond, coat or cover something underwater? Need to reinforce/wrap corroded, damaged or leaking pipes (with epoxy and fiberglass cloth)? Need to do a fiberglass cloth and epoxy repair with a non sagging epoxy paste? (even underwater?). How about sealing electrical connections in a ‘glob’ of waterproof epoxy? Patching some wood rot? One of our customers repaired serious rot in an 100 year old marine railway submerged under 12 feet of water.
Wet Dry 700 has saved sinking boats (and sunk boats - read Escape From Hermit Island available at The authors recommend you don’t leave your dock without this epoxy - see It is also used on leaking pools and corroding barge mounted floating homes.
Welcome to the world of Wet Dry 700 (tm) Epoxy
Wet Dry 700 (tm) epoxy paste is a leading example of consumer driven epoxy technology, resulting in a versatile, field friendly repair product for difficult environments. Wet Dry is a solvent free, high performance epoxy reinforced with kevlar (tm) pulp and feldspar/ceramic. It can be applied to wet, damp, or dry surfaces.
Wet Dry 700 looks a bit like joint compound (dry wall mud), or cake icing with a simple 1 to 1 mix ratio that you can ‘eyeball’. A scoop of Part A and an equal scoop of Part B and you are ready to go.
This is one of our top selling epoxies. People first buy it for a specific project and then generally buy more just to have on hand.
Jeff (1/2013) I cannot believe how incredible this Wet Dry 700 is. It's revolutionary. The original repair to my storm shelter would have lasted years if the shelter would just stop shifting around in the ground. DON'T STOP SELLING THIS STUFF.
(10/2013) Comments: Returning - Underwater boat repair - My third or fourth order and am still quite pleased with the result. It has many uses above and below the water line.
I feel that any person taking a boat to sea anywhere, anytime, should carry your product aboard and know how to apply it. If I can assist you in distributing or advertising your product, I am more than happy to do so.
Joy S. and Leslie B., US Yacht Banshee
Authors: Escape From Hermit Island
What Makes Water Gard 300 (tm) A Superior Epoxy Coating For Your Barrier Coat Application?
Water Gard 300 is not a simple epoxy paint but rather an epoxy adduct. In general terms epoxy adducts have some of the Part A resin added to the Part B curing agent during manufacture. The result is improvement in most of the coating's physical properties (which is way you are using an epoxy in the first place). This includes reduced yellowing, better curing and a host of other property improvements. A better epoxy for better results!
Learn more about epoxy adducts at the Vanguard Concrete Coating web site.
Save over 50% (hundreds of dollars!) On 2-Part Marine Topsides Paint
Two part polyurethane paints are the best of user applied coatings. Automobiles and fine yachts use them We offer two outstanding products. One is a snowy white yacht coating (LPU Marine) and the other is a Clear with massive UV protection (something not often found in even the most expensive two-part polys - auto clear coat being the exception). More on 2 part polys - CLICK HERE
We checked the prices for similar Awgrip brand polys at discount marine supply store WEST MARINE (Feb 2019). Their polyester polyurethane white sells for $280 per gallon. (that’s $420 for 1.5 gallons - vs. $199 for our 1.5 gal package). Use our LPU Marine polyester poly and save 53%.
Our clear acrylic poly (Acrylic Poly UV Plus) vs. their clear Awlcraft 2000 clear acrylic poly (which doesn’t have the UV blockers and absorbers that our product does - a really valuable addition) - sells for $149 per gallon vs. their price of $270 per gallon.Let's talk! - 503-435-7199
Things go better with Fiberglass Cloth
We sell 9 oz fiberglass cloth in 50 yard rolls. Three inch or four inch wide fiberglass "tape". The "tape" is easier for beginners to work with than big sheets of fiberglass - (saturate with epoxy and apply like strips of duct tape). Use for boat-building and/or repair, epoxy pipe wrap projects, and basement leak repair (sort of a dry-wall tape system but using fiberglass cloth and epoxy. Note that when using epoxy and fiberglass cloth, the strength comes from the fiberglass cloth and not the epoxy. - Order the 3 inch or 4 inch fiberglass rolls at either of our on-line stores or call to order your epoxy and cloth - 603 - 435 -7199.
4 More Links
The Marine Epoxy Everything Guide
Everything from user reviews, repair examples,
pricing issues and vendor evaluation tips
Basic No Blush Marine Epoxy Product Page
Marine Epoxy Catalog page (multiple epoxies)
Basic No Blush Marine Epoxy User Reviews / Feedback
How To Evaluating Marine Epoxy brands and Vendors
Marine Epoxy prices - what it really costs!
Marine Epoxy amine blush - what is epoxy Blush?
Boat repair examples using Marine Epoxy
Dinghy Marine Epoxy boat repair case study
Progressive Epoxy Polymer's marine web site
Massive site of Internet boat links
13 different marine epoxy
-polyurethane coatings (
also visit
Building the Stitch and Glue, plywood, "Portuguese Style Dinghy" (winter 2008/2009) - CLICK HERE
Building TOTO (winter 2007/2008) - a plywood Stitch and Glue Kayak - CLICK HERE
"Protecting surfaces under the
water sounds challenging, but
Paul Oman reveals the secrets
of third generation epoxy paints
that can be used and
applied underwater."
Asia/Pacific Coatings Journal
April 2004
Read this underwater epoxy article
A Case Study Using
Progressive Epoxy Polymer's Underwater Epoxy - WET DRY 700 Underwater Epoxy and Corro Coat FC2100A (BUY NOW) read how our epoxies and customer service saved the day over a decade ago (2003). Read more (click here). Those products and service still available to you - call 603 435 7199 anytime and ask for Paul Oman.Underwater epoxy for Emergency hull repair - sinking yacht Case Study - now in book form at Amazon
Marine Photo Gallery
People that like boat building and clear marine epoxy projects also like pictures of classic boats, yachts, marine wrecks, naval ships and 'funny' boats.
Visit our photo gallery found at:
5 Useful Information - Coverage Rates
Why Buy From Us?
How much marine epoxy resin 'goo' resin do I need?
Our thanks to Interlux's painting guide for the some of the following:
Area below the waterline (general formula: LOA X beam X .85 = wetted surface area)
Sailboats: 18 ft day sailor 120 squ feet; 21 ft trailerable 160 squ feet; 28 ft racer/cruiser 250 squ feet; 31 ft racer/cruiser 270 squ feet; 36 ft cruiser 330 squ feet; 41 ft cruiser 435; 53 ft cruiser 590 squ feet.
Motorboats: 18 ft runabout 120 squ feet; 21 ft runabout 150 squ feet; 28 ft cruiser 240 squ feet; 32 ft sportfish 300 squ feet; 36 ft cruiser 350 squ feet; 42 ft cruiser 500 squ feet; 53 ft cruiser 650 squ feet.
One Gallon of Two Part Marine Resin will wet out this much fiberglass cloth:
60 squ feet of .75 oz mat; 30 squ ft of 1.5 oz mat; 85 squ feet of 6 oz cloth; 54 squ feet of 10 oz cloth; 35 squ feet of 18 oz woven roving; 28 squ feet of 24 oz woven mat
One of our Premium No Blush marine epoxy users reported back that they used 1 gallon to wet out 42 square feet of 18 oz cloth....
How much marine epoxy resin goo?
To wet out 6-9 oz fiberglass cloth, fill the weave with more than one coat, allow for waste, etc. figure about 50 - 60 square feet per gallon (my tests showed 97 squ feet of fiberglass saturated by 1 gal of marine epoxy).
We think we have several good reasons why you should buy your boat epoxy from us
1) we sell complete kits of resin and curing agent. No confusing: "purchase .83 gallons of resin and select .33 gallon unit of curing agent to purchase separately" nonsense;
2) if you're shopping for price try to beat our Basic No Blush™ (non blushing) marine epoxy ;
3) if price isn't your primary concern, we've got a wide selection of other epoxies with various performance levels to select from!
4) order from us and you get selections from more than just one formulating lab. Why trust your entire epoxy experience to just one lab's formulation or related family of formulations? Would you shop at a department store that only carried one brand of clothing or electronics?;
5) besides epoxy resins we offer epoxy paints, thickened repair epoxies, underwater epoxies, LPU polyurethanes, fillers such as copper powder, graphite, Teflon™, micro spheres, fumed silica, etc. We are the right place for all your coating, painting, resin needs;
6) we share all the information we have - case studies, helpful articles, data and MSDS sheets. We even post prices rather than hiding them on separate pages or making you call for them;
7) our epoxies are all carefully formulated by epoxy chemists. We do not simply repackage the raw resins manufactured in bulk by the giant chemical companies the way many (most?) of the other low cost resin vendors do (they not being knowledgeable enough to realize that this is not a good thing to confess to -- a quote from one of our competitor's web site - "I buy epoxy resins and hardeners from manufacturers such as Shell Oil, Dow Chemical, and Vantico (formerly Ciba-Geigy). I buy in drums and repackage into smaller containers." Note that none of the major marine epoxy vendors do this even though we would all boost our profits significantly. There is good reason for this.
If you've spent any time exploring our massive website, you can tell we know our products and their application and use so much better than anyone who simply pours chemicals from a 55 gallon drum into a gallon can. We are so much more than just product and price....
8) no formaldehyde in our No Blush™ epoxies unlike in at least one of our major competitors (check MSDS sheets before you purchase any epoxy).
9)speaking of prices, visit our industrial site ( and you'll see many of the same products - all at the same prices. It's not unusual for marine epoxy vendors to sell to industry too (most or all do - in fact most of the big names make more money there than selling to boat owners), but they make viewing and comparing industrial and marine product prices extremely difficult because almost everyone thinks it's OK to charge boat owners four or five times more than what an industrial contractor is willing to pay. That doesn't cut it here at Progressive Epoxy Polymers, Inc.
10) you can spend your money on epoxy or on slick web site designers, shiny catalogs, 800 telephone numbers, trade show displays, Your call!
Epoxy Crazing Notice/Warning
There are two types of Marine Epoxy Vendors: 1) discount, bulk, REPACKAGERS who simple buy drums of raw resin and raw curing agent(s) from the big chemical companies and fill plastic jugs for resale; 2) FORMULATORS take the raw epoxy chemicals add to them to enhance and improve the raw "moonshine" into a "fine whiskey". Learn more repackagers/formulators.
Our Basic No Blush (tm) is a formulated non blushing epoxy by Progressive Epoxy Polymers, Inc. (homepage). that includes additions for reduced brittleness and exclusive (only we have it) bubble breakers for a more perfect looking finish. Basic No Blush is the least expensive of the formulated epoxies and considered the best marine epoxy by many ex-users of the other formulated epoxies.
REPACKAGED EPOXY WARNING: Over the years I have seen and had reports of non-formulated, raw resin/cure epoxies (which are extremely hard and brittle) becoming crazed with millions of cracks (like shattered safety glass) in outdoor settings that experience big changes in temperature. Formulated epoxies all seem to be 'fixed' to allow for this expansion and contraction without cracking by making them less brittle and better able to handle internal stresses.
Marine Catalog ///// Stitch n Glue ///// Epoxy Only Google Search ///// Epoxy Guru Help Site ///// Marine Boat Epoxy Etc. Links
"I've been using the Basic No Blush epoxy on all my own stuff, and using up all the West epoxy on most customers boats. When the West is finally gone I'll only be using your epoxies. Good stuff. I'm rebuilding an old Rybovich so a big order in the future..." Patrick (comment with on-line order 9/4/07) ---- Order No Blush online
5 Legal Stuff / Returns
NOTICE: Legal notices, Terms of Service, warranty information, disclaimers, health warnings, etc. are required reading before using web site, ordering and/or using Products. Any such use and/or ordering, online or by telephone, shall constitute acceptance and knowledge of all such terms.
CLICK HERE to access these terms. Please note: Whenever you purchase from this web site, and with each new purchase, you are granting us full and complete permission to add you to our email newsletter list at our option.RETURNS: call or email for authorization to return. Returns are subject to a 25% restock fee. Customer pays return shipping and must comply with federal DOT shipping requirement/labeling for hazmat epoxies under penalty of fines and legal action.
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Progressive Epoxy Polymers' Paul Oman solo sailing his former Coronado 25, "Temptress " on Galveston Bay - early 1990s |
Navigation Bar frame replacement CLICK HERE mobile friendly key site links